Jul 23, 2007

I Should Have Gotten A Delicious Fruit Pie

I just got back from having drinks at Bosco's with my former photography professor. His daughter is about to start grad school at the University of Memphis, and they wanted to meet me for a drink to talk about living in Memphis. After giving the usual advice (don't leave it in your car if you don't want it to get stolen, lock your doors, local politics are for your ammusement), I wasn't really sure what to say. I tried some feeble suggestions for where to get the best Thai food, and where to go for live music, and where to avoid, but beyond that, I wasn't sure what to say. It's hard to sum up a city, especially this one. I've been back for almost three months now, and I'm still adjusting. It's strange to feel like the new kid in a town that's as familiar to you as the bottoms of your feet, or the zombie cockroaches in your kitchen.

I suppose the cockroaches aren't really zombies, but Andy's at my house right now, and the one that he thought he killed just kinda popped back up and started making a break for the sink. Apparently, despite its guts hanging out, it's still trying to move.

Despite the cockroaches, and the feeling that I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I'm doing at work, I really am starting to feel at home again. I play trivia, I go swimming, we've joined Hope and Healing (which is pretty awesome - it's a Christian gym for broke people!)Granted, Colin and I aren't too excited about the prospect of getting healthy, but our intentions are good. I don't want to look like my grandmother, and he wants to avoid some of the health problems that run in his family. Plus, if we work out, we can drink beer and not feel too bad about it. We're supposed to go back this week to complete registration, and then, two of the most unathletic people ever will be full time gym members. I'm sure we'll both dread it for a few weeks, and then it'll get easier. This is one of those things my mom would call a "character building experience." We'll see how it goes.

But back to tonight, and Bosco's - one of the waiters, who's a roller derby ref, came up to me and asked if I was "Colin's girlfriend." Apparently, my blog about taking Andy to the roller derby got linked on the MRD forums. So, if you're reading from there, hello. I think you're awesome.

This update begins a self-imposed regular update schedule. Without an editor (or two) expecting my blogs by a certain time (and if they didn't get them, I'm convinced that one or both would have shown up at my house to make sure I was alright), it's been more of a challenge to write here. My writing tends to go to shit when I don't do it very often. I'm trying to be good now, though - check back for regular updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays.

In the meantime, I'm going to go back in my kitchen and get a glass of water. Hopefully, my zombie cockroaches are really dead this time.


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