Jun 6, 2007

When it Rains it Pours

First of all, I'm happy to announce that my team came in third at Trivia last night. There were 27 teams, and we won about 65$. So, yay! Go us.

About a month ago, my packrat grandmother moved out of the house that she had lived in for about 50 years. She moved into a smaller duplex, and thus was forced to get rid of some things. I inherited furntiture as well as some fabulous hats and old books. It's hard to really describe just how much stuff was in that house. The woman had pickled duck eggs in her pantry from when she went to SanFransisco in the 1960's She had recipts from 1952. She was holding on to baskets full of pinecones.

Anyway, right after I graduated, she sold her house, moved into the duplex, and seems to be happy. However, last week, she noticed that the driftwood that she uses in flower arrangements is missing, along with some of the pinecones. A normal person would chalk it up to moving error and go, I don't know, find some more driftwood. There's got to be tons of it out there, right? Instead, she called my mom and asked where the local dump was.

This weekend, my mom and I are going to Paducah for a night. Mom suggested that we might be going dump diving in order to find my grandmother's driftwood. The thought of poking around a dump sounds kinda cool (I'm really into found items), but I think it might be easier just to go down to the river and scavenge for driftwood. I'm not sure how I feel about all of that, but I'm sure I'll come back with stories.


I got a full time job offer today. I also got a call from my internship, saying that I would be able to start soon. I have no idea what to do.

It's exciting, though.

Of two minds,

1 comment:

JQ said...

Full time job offer doing what? Seriously Kerry... details girl. What kind of reporter have I trained you to be??? =) Miss you!