Aug 22, 2007

You Would Know, Wouldn't You....

Tonight, I went to buy a six pack of beer from the local grocery store. Excerpts from a real conversation with the clerk at said grocery store:

Her: I need to see some ID.

Me: Here you go. (hands over ID)

Her: Oooooh....Scorpio!

Me: Yeah. I guess. Not really sure what it means, though.

Her: It means you're secretive....and freaky. Like, sexually. But you're a thinker.

Me: Um, right. Ok, then.

Check back this weekend for a very special update. A work friend has enlisted my help in finding some new clothes. I guess he could tell by looking at me that I'm an avid reader of GQ and Esquire. Anyway, I'm taking him shopping, and am planning to take him from regular IT dude to grown up, employed, adult dude. I plan to take a bunch of pictures and write about it here. Think of it as an episode of What Not To Wear, only with a stylist who can barely dress herself. Check for that update early next week.

In the meantime, I'll be getting a little freaky. Or something. I'll probably just go to sleep.

ever the scorpio,


imflatbroke said...

haha. That is too funny! Which store was this at?

Anonymous said...

It's ok, Kerry. My sign says I'm nurturing. Apparently my inherent nature is to be a motherly figure to everyone I meet. Can you see me as a mother? To any living human being? I hate children.