Sep 27, 2007

In The Way I Had Planned

A few quick notes while I wait on my mom to meet me at the deli:

Right this second:

*** I'm convinced that HD is something that only men can see, like those high pitched sounds that only dogs can hear. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between HD and regular TV.

*** Last entry, I mentioned that fall makes me want new records. I bought the new Okkervil River, and holy crap. It's too early to call, but it's totally Top 5 of 2007 material. And I'm not sure what the trend is, but there seem to be an awful lot (ok, three) of really great songs by awesome bands about John Berryman's suicide. I've also been listening to a lot of the World/Inferno Friendship Society. I'll admit it - I'm a little embarrassed, because...well, I don't know, really. Maybe because it sounds exactly like something Trent would love. Anyway, the live record has been the soundtrack to my workweek, and it makes me want to dance.

*** I can't seem to make it through a book. I was on a roll with "Water for Elephants", but I set it down for a few days, and I'm worried I'm never going to get started again. About the only thing I've had the attention span for recently is the Sunday NYT, which I read in one voracious sitting. I haven't even managed to read the new GQ, which has been in my bag for days.

*** Sunday night, I watched a few hours of the new Ken Burns WWII documentary. I've heard people say that it's not nearly as good as the others, and I'm not sure if I agree or not. It lacks a lot of the trademarked Ken Burns Slow Pan Over A Still Photo. That seems to have been replaced by lots of grainy video. I'm already working out the rules to the drinking game, though, and they involve crying old people and explosions. No word on when the DVD release is.

*** Dude, my mom is late.

*** A revolution was born in my apartment the other night. My friend Taco came over with PBR, Scrabble, and the best of intentions. Somehow, after drinking all of the PBR and neglecting the Scrabble, we had pieced together the beginnings of a revolution. There will be more about this later, but here's the readers' digest version: Shows in Memphis start too late on weeknights. On weekends, I don't mind staying out most of the night to hear a really great band. But during the week? Dude, I have a day job. And we're not suggesting that shows start at 6:30 or anything ridiculous like that. Maybe 8. That way, people with kids and jobs and responsibilities don't have to sacrifice the music that they love. It's the 8 p!m! revolution. And...there are T-shirts. You'll see them soon.

Early to bed, early to RISE!!!!

- Kerry

Latey McLatersons, aka my mom:


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Dude, you rock…
But, there’s one thing you must realize…

--> <--

I'll see you in the Great Beyond, won't I?

love you. be at peace. -otto

Matthew Trisler said...

Still kinda surprised that it's the case, but HD is pretty cool. It makes regular TV look like fullscreen YouTube. But the thing is, you need to see both on the same screen. Golf becomes interesting--you can see every blade of grass; you realize how huge the text on TV is. It's like the first time you put on a new pair of glasses.

But then you realize the content is still just as stupid.

It's the digital features I like, mainly that each station can carry up to four standard definition channels. I get two PBS stations in Muncie. That's pretty cool.

andynotjamesbond said...

The War is already on DVD.

Anonymous said...

So all this reading about photography has me baffled by the fact that your computer will take a picture of you. We are now capable of capturing one more exciting moment in life for posterity's sake.